West Seattle High School

West Seattle
High School
Student Life

CIEE Summer Study Abroad

CIEE Summer Study Abroad

CIEE Global navigator High School Study Abroad

CIEE students at a pyramid

Did you know that only 2% of American high school students study abroad?  It’s an outstanding way to see the world, make new friends, and deepen your understanding of the world. In addition, West Seattle High School is one of the top five high schools in the country for student study abroad with CIEE, one of the most widespread high school study abroad companies in the world.


students abroad

WSHS is a Global Navigator School, which means that we have as a goal to increase global awareness as a core value. The best way to do this is through global education.  As a Global Navigator School, WHSH qualifies automatically for $25,000 in scholarships each year.  We normally receive much more.  Since we became a Global Navigator School in 2017, students have received almost $300,000 in scholarships.

Financial Support

In addition to excellent programs, availability of scholarships makes CIEE stand out.  Many students who don’t think they would qualify for a scholarship get something to help with costs. If you apply and find out that you didn’t get as much of a scholarship as you wanted, you can always decide not to accept your placement. It’s a good idea to apply if you’re interested, and then make your final decision when you know your scholarship amount. There is a free flight raffle for students who submit completed applications before November 1.  Most scholarships are given to students studying language programs.  We will be having a fundraising seminar to help students with fundraising ideas for flights and spending money. Start your application by using one of these referral links and you will get $200 off program fees.

More information

Please visit CIEE’s website for more information.  The scholarship deadline is January 15, 2025 at 9:00 p.m.  Questions?  Please contact volunteer site coordinator Meghan Schumacher at mkschumacher@360study.net.

compilation of images from abroad. a temple, diving among fish, a mountain and a city